Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

2015 August 01

Created by Monica 4 years ago

So as I sat on the train on another journey with Tina and Ken. As we sat down, I suggested she read this most amazing book I was reading, after all it was about breaking barriers, moving to a higher self awareness and becoming who you wanted to be. It was called. 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. She gave me the most almighty huff and asked me why the hell I was reading this book. It was always in Tina's nature to be so upfront and brutally honest about things. As I went on to explain and defend my position, she suggested that the mere title of acknowledging that fear existed was in fact a complete fiasco and I should quit reading this book even before I start. 

That was Tina's way, on so many occasions I witnessed her fearlessness and her limitless thinking, she encouraged me to see that Fear was in fact 'false evidence appearing real', she encouraged me to see the BIG picture and to go for everything I wanted. I didn't always agree with her and we had our fair share of respected differences but we always overcame these. She was a brilliant source of strength and she completely dominated her fears and went for what she wanted. This is how she influenced me to live. She was strong  and powerful even in her last days and her mental strength stayed with her up to her last hour.  RIP Tina, I shall miss your pearls of wisdom and our fabulously fun times together. Love always, Monica